[Essay] Appealing Closeness Between Tourism and Information Technology

Indonesia is a beautiful country, which has a lot of adorable places, diversity in historical heritage and many great cultures. To describe Indonesia, Javanese proverbs says “gemah ripah loh jinawi”, it means Indonesia is a rich country where every land has magnificent view and the citizen are wealthy enough. When I was talking with some foreigners, most of them were only know about Bali from Indonesia, they said Indonesia is Bali. Whereas, Bali is one of million beautiful places Indonesia has. From Sabang to Merauke you can dig about their own beauty in detail. Most of them become as tourism places, which influences the growth of economy in Indonesia. We cannot deny that tourism has close relationship with many people in social life. Therefore, tourism is also an important aspect in many countries for increasing foreign exchange revenue. It shows that the number of tourists who comes Indonesia increased significantly from year to year, and Indonesia reached about 8 million international visitors in 2012. It is sufficiently large number of visitor for enjoying Indonesia, especially relishing the wonderful places inside.

Most people agree that the world will not know about the wealth of Indonesian tourism when there is not spread well information. From that reasons, technology is needed for broadcasting the information. Indonesia has huge potential in tourism, and it will produce better when technology is combined. We know that information technology is widely used nowadays and technology is the thing that never being halted immediately, because most of people use it. I feel more fascinating when technology is able to be helpful in people life. As a person who closer with computer, I realise that we need a such thing to work with how to produce the information based on users’ need.

The use of information technology in business area is the things that irrefutable. Based on research from Ministry of Communication and Information in Indonesia, eight big cities in Indonesia, such as Batam, Medan, DKI Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Bali apply computer and internet in their company for supporting the potential in the business environment. Most of them are engaged in trading, restaurant and hotel with 32% and 24%, respectively. It shows that there is a mutual relationship between tourism and information technology. Having information technology infrastructures can bring the tourism grow quite rapidly. Information is the thing that never ends to be discussed every day. Each people needs information every time, and technology is used to help the information disseminated quickly and accurately. Similar to the tourism impact, information and technology is independent items in human social life. Therefore, there is a strong collaboration between tourism and information technology that can be applied in company which work in tourism field.

Sustainable tourism is supported by good information technology is being challenging for several potential places. Getting information in detail is the main part that should be noted. Information must be covered well in operational requirements to ease the visitors for figuring out the tourism place. The tourism place should be has one package application for guiding the visitors using a device that the visitors almost have, for example an open source application that is embedded in mobile or smartphone. A mobile is the promising devices for supporting the sustainable tourism by means of utilizing mobile internet. Nowadays, most of people uses smartphone not only for communication, but also for gaining and sharing information. According to Statistic center in Indonesia (Badan Pusat Statistika), the number of mobile phone users has increased. In 2008, the number of mobile phone users in Indonesia is 51.99%, and then it reached 61.84% in 2009, increased to 72.01% in 2010, and increased again to 78.96% in 2011. It shows that a mobile is a primary thing nowadays, and it is possible to apply the application as virtual guidance when the visitors come into the tourism place. So the provider of tourism place should have general website that cover all information about its tourism place, and has an application as guidance for the visitors to walk around the place. Then, there will be a root of website, that contains hyperlink to all the branch of tourism place in Indonesia. Eventually, it will be challenging strategies of developing tourism and making the information technology along the way.

However, the building of tourism that totally supported by technology is not easy to implement in a short term. It need a bit long time for arranging the use case of the system. If the system already exists, it is also need for taking maintenance, which is not cheap enough. The local government and society who nearby the place of tourism place are important component to create the system run well. The human resources are responsible for handling the data as valid information details of tourism place. Without a special application to promote the tourism, Indonesia still stand with its glory, moreover fully supported technology is include, it will be warm mutual combination. That’s nice one. I love of having Indonesia as my nationality and hopefully the tourism field will bring Indonesia to the better place.

*) Sometime ago, I was excited when joining something that gave me a chance for writing.  This essay was submitted and my application was rejected :D. Never ending for keeping to write. Trying to be better again and again. ^_^. Oh ya, I have already deleted several sentences and edited some parts. I am so pleased of some corrections and advice from you all, feel free to give feedback. Thank you 🙂

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