Snow again! [Updated Version]

The other views near of my dorm today… lightly covered of beautiful white… ⛄❄❄❄⛄❄❄❄⛄ #nofilter – at sezam student dormitory

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My lucky to get snow again 4 days ago, even though not heavy as the previous snow at the end of November. However, at least I can free to move and see everything white at outside my dorm, then I could take some pictures as below 🙂

Would you like to make a snowman with me in the next month? 🙂

Thank you Interweave !

Being part of INTERWEAVE awardees is kind of things that I could not imagine before, and I am really gratified could be counted in. Thus, firstly, thank you INTERWEAVE for this such wonderful opportunity.

INTERWEAVE is one of partnership program of Erasmus+ and you can see further information concerning INTERWEAVE in this link. Are you interested? If so, you could dig more and more about your preference in this program and happy to select the best university and major that fit for you. We are waiting for you to stand here, in European continent.

Let me to get back for a while, when I joined pre departure briefing in Hotel Indonesia, Jakarta at couple months ago, exactly in June 2014, even I already obtained the awardees certificate directly in the stage, I was still thinking that I dreamed. I followed all procedures before departure and I just realised everything would be new when I left Indonesia to flight here, in Poland. At the moment, I am not only dreaming, but also could  reach one of my dreams for touching down Europe at my first time in my life, even more my first time to live abroad as well. Everything was awesome when I traveled from Indonesia to Poland alone. I could learn about how to survive by ourself in every condition. In fact, everything was fine, several people helped me much during journey and I have a great mentor in Poland who really kind 🙂


The picture above shows the member of interweave awardees cohort 1 before departure around Europe. One Phd student, half of us are Continue reading

Apresiasi Kedutaan Polandia

First time, I would like to say “Welcome July”Yep, saya selalu excited dengan bulan Juli, karena setihap tahunnya bulan ini selalu menjadi kenangan terindah. Sepertinya terlalu muter-muter alasannya, sebenarnya simpel aja, karena saya lair di bulan Juli 😀 Dan di tanggal 1 July ini saya tiba-tiba mendapatkan email yang kurang lebih isinya seperti ini :

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Pertama kali saya membaca, agak lebay dikit kali ya rangkaian katanya 😀 , namun saya cukup mengapresiasi kedutaan Polandia yang cukup mendukung kami untuk belajar di Polandia dengan terpilihnya mendapatkan beasiswa Erasmus Plus dari pemerintahan Uni-Eropa.

Berita yang dimuat di website resmi Kedutaan Polandia di Jakarta (Embassy of Poland in Jakarta). Berita selengkapnya dapat dilihat pada link berikut .

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Berita juga ada di Facebook kedutaan polandia di Jakarta : Embassy of Poland, Jakarta di link berikut.

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Berita yang dimuat dalam short message di Twitter @PLdiIndonesia

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Oke sekian dulu, sharing kali ini hanya memuat mengenai Apresiasi kedutaan Polandia terhadap penerima beasiswa Erasmus+. Sampai jumpa 🙂 Salam semangat 🙂